Matthew Davis

Get in contact for any of the services listed below or just to chat.

Matthew Davis composes and performs music under the guises of Nervous Plaything and Trendy Nightingale (with Erin Logan). He designs and creates audio-visual artworks and software to assist in the composition and the performance of his art. His main focus is experimental interfaces for music generation and generative algorithms to change the way he composes. Exploring the process is what is key to him. Always finding the new, and logging the outcome. He is an avid gamer and writes TTRPG materials also.

Matthew has worked in sessional lecturing in design and music technology; marketing and communications in multiple formats; audio visual (live sound and video), community arts engagement sector, video production and design. He has worked in the tertiary education sector for most of his career. His current employment is in professional work at Queensland University of Technology.

Currently located in Brisbane/Meanjin, Australia.


  • Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Logic Pro

  • Final Cut Pro / Premiere Pro CC

  • Adobe Photoshop CC / InDesign CC / InVision

  • Max, Msp and Jitter – visual programming language 


  • Music Composition

  • Performance

  • Audio Producing/Engineering

  • Sound Design

  • Custom Audio/Visual Software

  • Art Installations & Interaction Design

  • Experimental, process & generative composition

  • Video and HTML

  • TTRPG, narrative and educational writing


  • 2011 - 2014 Bachelor of Creative Industries (Honours) | First Class Honours with Distinction
    Queensland University of Technology 
    Music Major and Film Studies Minor          
    Honours Supervisor Yanto Browning
    Main Project: Researched accessible digital instrument design to enhancing performance. Built Digital motion-controlled synthesizer with Max and Ableton Live.


  • 2019-2020   Business Support Officer – Education & Outreach 
    Australian National University
    External and internal event support and organisation; communications including newsletters, social media, email list management, promotional materials including print, merchandise, video and digital; website development and maintaining, and staff and student profile management.

  • 2015 – 2018  Sessional Academic 
    Queensland University of Technology
    KMB216: Audio Visual Interaction: Lecturer and Tutor (2015-2018) – Music
    DXB403: Design for Interactive Media: Lecturer and Tutor (2016-2018) - Design
    DXB101: Creative and Design Thinking: Tutor (2018) - Design

  • 2015 – 2018 AV Technician
    QUT Precincts
    Setup, pack down and running of corporate events across multiple venues at QUT Gardens Point campus. Live sound, sound recording, video production, live mixing and data presentations.

  • 2013 Programming Intern (Music and Sound)
    The Edge – State Library of Queensland
    Project development, workshop facilitation and recording studio management. Heading up DIY Acoustic Treatment Workshop, assisting in Chladni Feedback Installation and Midi Kit Video Sampler projects. Workshop presenter, tester and developer (various) from 2013-2020.

  • A list of my creative projects can be found here